Mr. Alozie has twenty years of real estate and investment experience. Prior to founding Almat Group, Mr. Alozie held various positions at Deloitte Consulting, Bank of New York and American Insurance Group. Prior to these engagements he was a senior accountant at Deloitte & Touche LLP where his focus was real estate and investment companies that included Met Life Real Estate, Apollo Real Estate Advisors, Tontine Partners, Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan Real Estate groups. Mr. Alozie oversees Almat Group’s financing, business development, capital market activities and investment strategy of the company. Mr. Alozie graduated with a Bachelor in Business Administration in Accountancy from Baruch College, City University of New York and a Master’s in Business Administration in Finance from Columbia University Business School. He is certified in New York State as a Certified Public Accountant. Mr. Alozie was nominated to the Nigerian Leadership Initiative (“NLI”) by the past honorable minister of finance Mr. Segun Aganga.